Monday, January 13, 2014

Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Melissa at itsmelblog! For the Liebster award, you must:
  •  Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog,
  • Answer their 11 questions
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with small following (fewer than 200 followers)
  • Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer on their blog.

Here are the questions she asked by Melissa:

1. What is your must have beauty cosmetic that you cannot go without?

If I had to choose one, I'd say eyeliner. My look isn't complete without some sort of eyeliner right by my lash line. The reason I didn't choose mascara is because my lashes are so full without it and I don't really need it. I was traveling this past week, and the other day my liquid liner ran out and didn't have an extra liner (like I would I home). I had to go to the store and buy a new one. I just can't go on without eyeliner.

2. What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

As cliche as it sounds, blog. I really enjoy blogging, whether it's here or on tumblr. It's basically the only thing I do on my spare time.

3. Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a dog, two cats and 3 tanks of fish. One tank has guppies, another tank is a smaller one that has a partition with two betta fish (they're separated) and the last tank has a bunch of tropical cichilds.

4. What do you want to be when you're older?

Seeing as how I'm nearly 23 years old, I am already older. I am a public school music teacher and I love every single day of it.

5. What is your favourite topic to blog about?

I really enjoy blogging about anything beauty. Makeup, hair, or even fashion. Whether it is here or on tumblr, I love blogging about beauty and fashion.

6. Got anything special/exciting happening this year?

I'm really just hoping to travel a whole lot. I'm just excited to see what this year brings.

7. How did 2013 treat you?

It was absolutely amazing, despite a few crazy things in the last few months of the year. I graduated college, got a job, I realized that I chose the right career, I made a bunch of friends, and I became closer with a bunch of my family members.

8. Did you have a nice Christmas and New Year?

My celebrations for Christmas and New Year were absolutely enjoyable with my amazing family and friends. My entire winter break was phenomenal.

9. Mineral or liquid foundation?

Liquid all the way. It usually has more coverage and you can blend it well with a brush. You can use powder to set it in as well and it'll look great as long as you use a foundation that works for your skin type.

10. What skincare do you use and how often a day do you use it? 

I have a skincare routine that I use everyday (day and night). I was actually planning to do a post and video on my current skincare routine. Usually I'll just wash my face, use toner, moisturizer, and eye cream. At night, I'll do the same thing but I'll use makeup remover oil and face wash before washing my face with my normal face wash and then following with the rest of the routine.

11. (Linked with question 10) Does it work for you and would you recommend it? What skin type is it for?

I have combination to normal skin and have some dry/red spots and an oily nose. It is the most complication skin type to have. For the most part, it looks okay, but at times, I really need to up the layers of concealer and foundation. I need to perfect my skincare routine. I don't really like the moisturizer I use.

I nominate:

and anyone else who wishes to participate!


My eleven questions are:

  1. What are your goals for the New Year?
  2. What is your favorite makeup brand?
  3. What aspect of blogging do you love most?
  4. What are your favorite stores to shop at?
  5. If you could travel to one place in the world, what would it be?
  6. If you could have dinner with one person (alive or dead) who would it be?
  7. What is your best feature (personality or physicality)?
  8. Who do you look up to most in life?
  9. What is your favorite cosmetic that you cannot live without?
  10. What is your favorite shade of lipstick?
  11. Would you rather look natural or all made up?
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!


1 comment:

  1. I've been nominated for this also but I don't know if it's legit or not?! I'm a bit torn but I'd love to nominate a few people myself if it's a real thing :)
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog


I read all comments, so don't be afraid to say anything! x