Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What I Got for Christmas 2013

I've finally gotten around to this post! Sorry that it has taken so long, I have been celebrating the holiday quite a bit. I am very fortunate to have such a loving family to give me all of these things. I know I will be enjoying them as much as anyone would.

One of my aunts got me the Bare Minerals Go for the Glow set. Somehow two boxes got mixed up into one (I remember opening two boxes on Christmas Day), but I only have one filled with things that don't belong in there. I'm assuming the other box was just he original basic Bare Minerals set that came with powder foundation and mineral veil. The other kit was a highlighting kit. Now I have tried these kits before and I wasn't extremely fond of them, but I will give them a chance again, having been given this as a gift, and of course, having more knowledge about makeup.

The lipglosses that came with in the kits look great! They are not sticky and are extremely pigmented and I love the colors.

Prime Time also looks good. It's not too thick and also isn't sticky. I can't wait to continue trying it.

I already have this brush from the first kit I owned. I wasn't too fond it then, but I will try them both and see how I like it this time.

The mascara seems amazing because it's hypo allergenic, which I need and the wand looks like it's great quality. I have tried it out and it makes my lashes voluminous.

If I really like these kits, I will do a detailed review.

In my stocking, I had two liners and a cute eye shadow palette.

There was also a Sinful Colors nail polish but I forgot to take a picture of it. :(

I love Jordana pencils because they are so affordable (perfect stocking fillers) and they are pigmented and last a long time. I love that I got a blue eye liner, so that it could be an accent, maybe on the bottom lashes. The very neutral lip pencil will go with my everyday lipstick, which is also a neutral color.

The eyeshadow palette is the Revlon Photo Ready pallete in #540.

Again, the colors are really pigmented and aren't your everyday colors. I will definitely do some eyeshadow outfit matching with this palette. I love it!

One of my other aunts got me the Real Techniques Core Collection set. It comes with contour brush, Pointed foundation brush, detailer brush and buffing brush.

The buffing brush has been perfect for blending powder into the foundation.

I have been using the detailer brush for concealing red spots and blemishes.

I don't really like foundation brushes at all, but I'm hoping to give the pointed foundation brush a chance in the near future. I have been using the expert face brush, which I already own for foundation.

I actually prefer to use the contour brush for highlighting. The MAC 168 brush is perfect for contouring and together, these make the perfect duo.

The case that the Core Collection came with is not the best quality, but it is perfect for travel.

I went to the mall and bought some things for myself for Christmas. Everyone is entitled to it! I bought myself the Naked 2 palette (I only own the original Naked palette), and as you know from my previous post, the MAC natural mineralize skin finish and a dual-sided MAC pro palette.

The Naked 2 palette is amazing as you all know. I love the taupe-ish neutral colors. I have already created some looks with this palette, so stayed tuned for that.

The mineralize skin finish (which fell on the floor and broke shortly after this photo *cries*) is also amazing. It is the perfect setting powder for any foundation. I love it and it was worth it. I am going to repurchase one that is whole very soon.

I absolutely love my MAC pro palette. The colors I have so far are:
Left to right: Sketch, Woodwinked, Espresso, and All that Glitters.

I am looking forward to filling this palette throughout the year. I want to use this palette for the daring colors that don't come in the UD Naked palettes. I can't wait!

Of course I got a ton of clothes for Christmas. Some I bought for myself, others were gifts.

My mom bought me these cute pink sparkly flats.

...and the flats match the B. Makowsky purse she got me. I love it! It is the perfect size and great quality. The brand isn't one I've heard but I did research and it is reputable and a tad expensive.

I bought myself two skirts. The one on the left is from the Bethany Mota Collection and Aeropostale. The leopard print skirt on the right is from Forever 21.

I also bought myself this adorable blazer and leggings from Forever 21. I can't wait to use them for work! The leggings are thick, so they can be worn alone, which I love!

I also bought myself a Lauren Conrad blazer from Kohls. I love her line and this blazer is also perfect for work.

Seems like someone knows my love for Lauren Conrad. My brother and his wife bought me a shirt from her line for Christmas and I love it!

My grandmother got my a nice jacket. It doesn't really get cold where I live (it is today though!) but I will definitely use this when I travel.

A huge surprise was the Michael Kors purse and bracelet from my boyfriend. He is so thoughtful. These are the first items I own from the brand and they are amazing!

I also bought myself shoes from DSW. The Steve Madden flats on the right will be perfect with my brown toned professional clothing for work. The Anne Klein shoes on the left are so cute! They have a tiny heel, which I love. I can't wait to walk around a little taller at work!

My mother also bought me ALL of the Harry Potter movies. Most of them are extended edition. I have spent much of my break watching them all.

One of my aunts bought me the book Triangles by Ellen Hopkins. She is one of my favorite authors and I love her books, so this is a great addition to my collection!

That is everything that I got for Christmas. There is a YouTube video version of this coming soon. It'll be my first video on YouTube, so I would appreciate the support.

Please let me know in the comments what you got for Christmas. I hope you all had an amazing holiday! xxxx


Please check out the video version of this and support my newly created YouTube channel. This was my first video and I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. lovely christmas haul! I got the Naked 3 palette and I still have a spare sephora gift card so I'm thinking about picking up the Naked 2 :)


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