Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year Inspiration | #2014 Blogger Challenge One

**This photo is not mine and I do not claim that it is my own.**

I feel as though starting the New Year with resolutions is too cliché. I like to start out the year thinking about inspirational quotes that I've recently heard and implementing goals for the upcoming year.

As I was in the hospital visiting my father the other day, I decided to to research on inspirational and hopeful quotes, and this one really hit home, (as far as my research took me, it is unknown as to who actually said it) :

"It's not happy people who are thankful. It's thankful people who are happy."

I tend to think of myself as a pretty happy person. I get excited over small things and enjoy mostly everything that comes my way. I do have a bit of a cumulus nimbus at times, though. I tend to see the negative before I realize that there is a positive somewhere in there. I am also grateful for everything in my life, and after discovering this quote I realized that this is what makes me genuinely happy.

After everything that I have already been through at the start of the new year (see last post for details), this quote will really help me get through it all. I am thankful for what I have and that is what will continue my happiness. It also gives me hope, and that's extremely important.

I hope you all find this post inspirational.


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