Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blogmas Day 14: 31 Days of Favorites | My Favorite Lip Balms of 2013

Lip balms are a product that I sometimes take for granted. I don't realize the wonders that they do on lips that need care. Lip balm/chapstick is not something I wear more than once a day, though I should. 

My favorites were the EOS, Wet -n- Wild Natural Chapstick, Burt's Bees (any of them really), Lypsyl lip balm, Sugar Lip Treatment (Sephora), and plain old Walgreens Chap-Aid.

My absolute favorite has to be the Burt's Bees. I have used all of them and buy them all the time (though most of them go unused). My morning routine includes using a LUSH lip scrub followed by moisturizing using Burt's Bees before putting on actual makeup. I don't think that is enough moisturizing though; my lips are normally extremely dry.

I vow to use lip balms and chap sticks more next year!


1 comment:

  1. ooh i really want to try burts bees lip balms!ive bought the EOS ones for my christmas though so looking forward to using those!:)I'm now following your blog girlie:)x


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